210+ Old People Jokes That Will Make You Laugh and Brighten Your Day

Getting older has its perks—discounts, wisdom, and the undeniable right to fall asleep anywhere, anytime! But let’s be honest, aging also comes with some hilarious quirks. That’s why we’ve gathered the best old people jokes to keep the laughter rolling faster than grandpa’s electric scooter at full speed.

From witty one-liners to side-splitting puns, this collection of 210+ jokes is guaranteed to tickle your funny bone (even if it creaks a little). Whether you’re looking for lighthearted humor to share with grandma or just need a good laugh yourself, you’re in the right place.

So, grab your reading glasses (or just zoom in), sit back, and get ready for jokes funnier than watching grandpa try to text with his nose. Let the giggles begin! 😂

1. Old Age Comes with Perks… and Punchlines!

  1. I don’t need Google—I have grandkids who know everything!
  2. My memory is so bad, I changed my password to “incorrect” so I’d be reminded when I forget.
  3. I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes… She hugged me.
  4. I’m at the age where the back of my birth certificate should list my body’s warranty expiration date.
  5. Retirement: When you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
  6. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.
  7. I asked my grandpa if he was active on social media. He said, “Of course! I scroll through my phone looking for my glasses daily.”
  8. I told my wife I was excited for our anniversary… She said, “That was last week.”
  9. My joints sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies—snap, crackle, and pop!
  10. I can still do everything I used to do in my youth… just slower and with more grunting.
  11. I don’t trip over things—I do random gravity checks!
  12. The secret to staying young? Avoid mirrors and hang out with older people!
  13. I know I’m getting old because my favorite part of the newspaper is the “25 years ago today” section.
  14. My hearing is so bad, my wife now communicates with me using charades.
  15. I finally made it to the “senior” discount stage… now I can’t remember where I put my wallet.
  16. Aging is when your idea of a night out means sitting on the porch.
  17. I still chase my wife around the house. It just takes me longer to catch her!
  18. I would exercise, but it might disturb my nap schedule.
  19. They say wisdom comes with age. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.
  20. My bedtime used to be whenever I wanted… Now it’s whenever I stop blinking for too long.

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2. Senior Moments? More Like Comedy Gold!

  1. I love long walks… especially when they’re taken by people who annoy me.
  2. My memory is so bad, I once forgot my own birthday and thought I was younger—best mistake ever!
  3. I tried to make a password, but it was rejected for being “too weak.” Guess I’m just embracing my old age.
  4. My hearing isn’t bad… I just prefer selective listening.
  5. I opened a bag of chips, and three hours later, I found my glasses inside.
  6. I started talking to myself… turns out, I’m a great listener!
  7. My grandkids asked me why my phone has big buttons. I told them it’s because I have big wisdom.
  8. I told my doctor I feel like a new man. He said, “That’s great, what’s his name?”
  9. My WiFi went out, so I spent an hour talking to my family. They seem like nice people.
  10. I fell asleep during a movie. The worst part? It was only the trailer!
  11. My friend asked me how I stay in shape. I told him I do push-ups every morning—pushing myself up from the bed counts, right?
  12. I tried to act my age today… It didn’t go well.
  13. I’m so slow, when I go upstairs, my body arrives in parts—one step at a time!
  14. When people say, “You’re only as old as you feel,” I think, “Well, I must be 110 then.”
  15. I told my wife I’d fix the leaky faucet. She said, “You told me that five years ago.”
  16. I was going to clean the attic, but I got tired just thinking about it.
  17. My eyesight is so bad, I waved at someone in the mirror today.
  18. I like naps because they break my day into manageable episodes.
  19. I went to bed early last night… and by early, I mean 7:30 PM.
  20. I bent down to tie my shoes… and while I was there, I wondered what else I could do since I was already on the floor.

3. Grandpa’s Got Jokes… and Plenty of Them!

Grandpa’s Got Jokes… and Plenty of Them!
  1. I may be old, but at least I still have my teeth… Well, most of them.
  2. I asked my wife what’s for dinner. She said, “Check the fridge.” I did. It was still there.
  3. I don’t need an alarm clock—I have to wake up five times a night anyway.
  4. I started exercising… I lift my coffee mug every morning.
  5. My doctor told me I need more greens. So I put guacamole on my burger.
  6. When I was young, I had a six-pack. Now, I have a one-pack… of pudding.
  7. I’d tell you a joke about memory, but I forgot the punchline.
  8. I went to the doctor, and he said I need more fiber. So, I ate a sweater.
  9. My knees make more noise than my ringtone.
  10. I don’t need an app to remind me of my meds—I have my wife for that.
  11. I tried to dance at a wedding, but my hips filed a complaint.
  12. I told my grandson, “I used to be cool.” He said, “What happened?” I said, “Life.”
  13. My wife asked me to put the groceries away… I put them in the garage.
  14. I went to the store for milk and came back with a new lawn chair.
  15. The older I got, the better I was.
  16. I don’t need a GPS. I already forgot where I was going.
  17. I used to run marathons… now I’m watching marathon TV shows.
  18. I like my coffee like I like my humor—dark and strong.
  19. I had a dream when I was young again… then I woke up and needed a heating pad.
  20. I called my old high school friend… neither of us could hear what the other was saying.

4. Classic Senior Citizen One-Liners

  1. Aging gracefully is just a fancy way of saying “falling apart slowly.”
  2. I told my wife I was feeling old. She said, “Good, because you are.”
  3. I’m not saying I’m old, but my first pet was a dinosaur.
  4. My idea of multitasking is walking and remembering where I’m going.
  5. My wife says I have two faults: I don’t listen, and… something else.
  6. I don’t need a gym—I lift my grandkids.
  7. I finally have time to travel… just not the energy.
  8. I’m at the stage where “getting lucky” means finding my glasses on the first try.
  9. The best thing about old age? No one expects you to be on time.
  10. I put my phone in the fridge… again.
  11. I don’t snore. I just dream I’m a motorcycle.
  12. I don’t need a filter… I say whatever I want.
  13. My kids said they’d teach me how to use Instagram… I said, “Teach me to nap instead.”
  14. I opened my mouth to say something wise… and forgot what it was.
  15. I’m not slow—I just enjoy life in slow motion.
  16. I don’t count my birthdays anymore… I count naps.
  17. I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not sure.
  18. If wrinkles are proof of wisdom, I must be a genius.
  19. My back goes out more than I do.
  20. I asked for a senior discount… and they gave me a free dessert.

5. Wrinkles, Wisdom, and Witty Comebacks

  1. My doctor said I need more exercise, so I started shaking my head in disbelief more often.
  2. I told my grandson about rotary phones. He asked if I was from the dinosaur age.
  3. I tried online dating… but my Wi-Fi went out, so I took a nap instead.
  4. I don’t need an anti-aging cream—I need a time machine!
  5. I used to have abs. Now, I have a “snack pack.”
  6. I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. She said, “Back in time to when you had hair.”
  7. I was going to tell a joke about time travel, but you didn’t laugh last time.
  8. I fell down… and my first thought wasn’t “Am I okay?” It was “Did anyone see that?”
  9. My body has a new game: “Guess what hurts today!”
  10. I ordered a senior coffee at a fast-food place… and the cashier said, “Good choice, sir.”
  11. The best part of old age? You can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, and call it a “power nap.”
  12. I got a new smartphone. It’s so smart, it reminds me I forgot my passwords!
  13. I went to the store to buy memory pills… and forgot what I was there for.
  14. I tried to do yoga… but the only pose I mastered was “lying down.”
  15. I went to a party and was the last one to leave… because I fell asleep on the couch.
  16. I told my wife I’d help with the dishes. She said, “No rush. It’s only been 10 years.”
  17. I get excited when I find money in my pocket. It’s usually my own, but still!
  18. I asked my doctor if there was a pill to help with aging. He handed me a calendar.
  19. The older I get, the more I sound like my parents… and it’s terrifying.
  20. I tried to flirt with my wife today. She thought I was having a medical emergency.

6. Grandpa’s Guide to Aging Gracefully… Sort Of

Grandpa’s Guide to Aging Gracefully… Sort Of
  1. I may be old, but at least I still remember my email password… most of the time.
  2. When I was younger, I had energy. Now, I have arthritis.
  3. I went for a morning walk… to the fridge and back.
  4. I asked my grandson what “LOL” means. He said, “Laugh Out Loud.” I said, “Oh, I thought it meant ‘Lots of Lint’ in my pockets.”
  5. I’m not grumpy, I’m just on energy-saving mode.
  6. I tried to take a selfie… but my arms aren’t long enough to include my good side.
  7. My grandkids think I’m ancient. I told them I used to play outside, and they gasped in horror.
  8. I checked my weight today. The scale said, “One at a time, please.”
  9. I told my wife I love her more every day. She said, “That’s because you can’t remember yesterday.”
  10. My phone has facial recognition, but it doesn’t work in the morning.
  11. I don’t get lost. I just explore in unexpected directions.
  12. I asked my doctor if my metabolism is slowing down. He laughed for 10 minutes.
  13. When I was young, I partied all night. Now, I party if I stay up past 9 PM.
  14. My grandkids asked if I had TikTok. I said, “No, but I have Tic Tacs.”
  15. The best part of being old? You can take a nap whenever you want, and people call it “resting.”
  16. I tried to remember the good old days… but they’re getting blurrier by the year.
  17. I don’t mind getting old, but I do mind getting up.
  18. I went to the store for a loaf of bread. I came back with donuts and forgot the bread.
  19. I don’t jog because my knees whisper, “Don’t even think about it.”
  20. The best exercise for seniors? Lifting the remote control.

7. Senior Superpowers: Forgetting, Falling Asleep, and Finding Deals

  1. My eyesight is so bad, I just waved at a mannequin.
  2. I used to be indecisive. Now, I’m not sure.
  3. I thought about going to the gym… then I thought about taking a nap instead.
  4. My wife asked me why I was talking to myself. I told her I needed expert advice.
  5. I love shopping… especially when I forget what I bought and it’s a surprise later.
  6. My hearing is so selective, I can’t hear my wife’s requests but can hear “free food” from a mile away.
  7. I started a new diet. It’s called “Don’t Eat Everything in Sight.” So far, it’s not working.
  8. I don’t need hair gel—I have natural “wisdom highlights” (gray hair).
  9. I checked my calendar, and today’s event is… a nap.
  10. I finally found my glasses… on my head.
  11. My friends and I tried a new restaurant. It was great, but none of us remember the name.
  12. I went to the doctor for a check-up. He asked, “How’s your memory?” I said, “Who are you again?”
  13. I tried to dance, and my knees filed a lawsuit.
  14. I love a good deal. That’s why I collect free napkins from restaurants.
  15. The secret to happiness? A comfortable chair and unlimited snacks.
  16. I started drinking green tea for my health… but I still eat cookies with it.
  17. My car has an anti-theft system—it’s a manual transmission.
  18. I may be slow, but at least I’m steady… until I trip over my own feet.
  19. I don’t need a fitness tracker. My knees click every step I take.
  20. My superpower? Falling asleep in any chair, anywhere.

8. You Know You’re Getting Old When…

  1. You make a noise every time you stand up.
  2. You fall asleep in front of the TV and wake up during the credits.
  3. You have a favorite grocery store aisle… and it’s the fiber section.
  4. You bring your own pillow when traveling.
  5. You have more medicine bottles than coffee mugs.
  6. You tell “back in my day” stories, and they last longer than the movie you were watching.
  7. You actually enjoy hearing about the weather.
  8. You bend down to tie your shoe and think, “What else can I do while I’m down here?”
  9. You have a hard time finding your car… in your own driveway.
  10. You start every sentence with, “Did I already tell you this?”
  11. You sit in a rocking chair, and it takes you 10 minutes to get up.
  12. You avoid stairs like they’re your worst enemy.
  13. You find yourself napping and calling it “meditation.”
  14. You know every pharmacy worker by name.
  15. You hear an old song and say, “They don’t make ‘em like this anymore.”
  16. You turn down the music to “see” better.
  17. You think staying out past 9 PM is an adventure.
  18. You have a collection of plastic grocery bags… and you’re proud of it.
  19. You give people directions based on landmarks that no longer exist.
  20. You walk into a room and immediately forget why.

9. Classic Grandpa and Grandma Jokes

  1. Grandpa always said, “Age is just a number.” Then he forgot what number he was.
  2. My grandma started using FaceTime. Now, she holds the phone to her ear like a regular call.
  3. Grandpa got a new hearing aid. It’s so good, he can now hear my bad decisions from a mile away.
  4. Grandma tried online banking… and accidentally sent $50 to her own account.
  5. Grandpa told me he could still do push-ups. Turns out, he meant the ice cream kind.
  6. Grandma doesn’t need Google. She remembers everything—twice!
  7. I asked my grandpa if he still has a bucket list. He said, “Yes, it’s called my grocery list.”
  8. Grandma’s WiFi password is longer than her wedding vows.
  9. Grandpa says the secret to a long life is staying active. He actively avoids exercise.
  10. Grandma started texting. Now, every message ends with “Love, Grandma.”
  11. Grandpa walked five miles today. Not on purpose—he just forgot where he parked.
  12. Grandma’s cookies taste extra special. Mostly because she forgets half the ingredients.
  13. Grandpa likes to give advice. Whether you ask for it or not.
  14. Grandma thinks “Bluetooth” is a dental problem.
  15. Grandpa started a diet. He says it’s working because his pants fit… when he wears suspenders.
  16. Grandma has two speeds: slow and nap.
  17. Grandpa says he’s great at technology. Then he calls Google “The Googles.”
  18. Grandma uses Facebook like a diary. Every post starts with, “Dear friends…”
  19. Grandpa always carries cash. Just not enough to cover the bill.
  20. Grandma’s favorite exercise is chasing the TV remote across the couch.

10. Retirement: The Full-Time Comedy Show

Retirement: The Full-Time Comedy Show
  1. Retirement is waking up early… just to take a nap by noon.
  2. I asked my retired friend how he spends his days. He said, “Mostly deciding where to eat.”
  3. Retirement is when your biggest decision is whether to have pancakes or waffles.
  4. I finally have time to exercise! Just kidding, I still don’t.
  5. I retired from work. Now, I work for my wife… full-time!
  6. Retirement is realizing you were never that busy to begin with.
  7. My dad said retirement is great—except for all the honey-do lists.
  8. In retirement, every day feels like Saturday… except on Monday when the bank is closed.
  9. My grandpa is so retired, he calls watching TV “research.”
  10. Retirement: when the best vacation is staying home in your favorite chair.
  11. I told my wife I’d help around the house after I retire. She’s still waiting.
  12. The best thing about retirement? No meetings… except with the fridge.
  13. My grandpa retired and became a golfer. Now, he complains about work AND his swing.
  14. Retirement is when “busy” means watching three episodes of your favorite show in a row.
  15. My grandpa says he’s busier than ever. But somehow, he’s always in pajamas.
  16. The best part of retirement? Unlimited snack breaks!
  17. I tried to make a schedule for retirement… but I lost interest by lunch.
  18. Retirement is when your office is the front porch.
  19. My dad says retirement is the longest coffee break of his life.
  20. I thought I’d travel more in retirement… but the couch is just too comfortable.

11. Senior Moments: The Comedy Never Ends

  1. I went to the store for milk… came home with cookies and no milk.
  2. I put my glasses on… then spent 10 minutes looking for them.
  3. I walked into a room… and had no idea why.
  4. I set my phone down… and now it’s in the fridge.
  5. I was driving and forgot where I was going. Turns out, it was home.
  6. I made coffee… but forgot to add coffee.
  7. I told the same joke twice… and laughed just as hard the second time.
  8. I called my grandson by my son’s name… and my dog’s name before getting it right.
  9. I tried to send an email… then accidentally turned off my computer.
  10. I asked my wife where my keys were. She said, “In your hand.”
  11. I went to the doctor… and forgot why I was there.
  12. I checked my watch… but forgot to look at the time.
  13. I put the TV remote in the microwave… and my popcorn in my lap.
  14. I started reading a book… and realized I already read it last year.
  15. I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer… and now it smells like a science experiment.
  16. I walked outside to get the mail… and came back with the neighbor’s dog.
  17. I looked at my to-do list… and then took a nap.
  18. I started telling a story… and forgot the punchline.
  19. I looked for my car keys… while holding them.
  20. I forgot how old I am… so I asked my grandkids. Big mistake.

12. Old but Gold: Timeless Humor

  1. My memory is like an old computer… slow and full of errors.
  2. I still got it… but I forgot where I put it.
  3. Age is just a number… and mine is unlisted.
  4. I remember when gas was cheap. Now, I remember to stay home.
  5. I used to be cool. Now, I’m just air-conditioned.
  6. I can still dance… if I hold onto the furniture.
  7. My wallet is like my hair—thinning.
  8. I told my grandson I was born before the internet. He asked if I rode dinosaurs.
  9. My back goes out more than I do.
  10. I take life one step at a time… because I have bad knees.
  11. I started using a senior discount… just to feel young again.
  12. I went to a party… and fell asleep in the chair.
  13. I checked my calendar… and it just says “nap time.”
  14. My new favorite workout? Lifting snacks.
  15. I may be slow, but at least I get there… eventually.
  16. I wanted to go out, but my pajamas disagreed.
  17. My brain is full of wisdom… and random song lyrics from the ‘60s.
  18. I still remember the good old days… just not yesterday.
  19. I looked in the mirror… and my dad was staring back.
  20. My knees crack louder than my jokes.

13. The Final Laugh: Getting Older with a Smile

  1. The best thing about aging? Senior discounts. The worst? Forgetting to use them.
  2. My grandkids love visiting me… because I have unlimited snacks.
  3. I asked my doctor for advice on aging. He said, “Don’t.”
  4. I don’t count candles on my cake anymore. It’s a fire hazard.
  5. I was told to “act my age.” I took a nap.
  6. I walked into a room with confidence… then forgot why I was there.
  7. My superpower? Sleeping anywhere, anytime.
  8. I finally have time to read… but now I fall asleep after one page.
  9. My diet plan? Eat whatever I want and hope for the best.
  10. I have more pills than at the pharmacy.
  11. My doctor told me to cut back on sugar… so I switched to cookies instead of cake.
  12. I tried to be trendy… but my knees disagreed.
  13. I still party hard—at 2 PM, before my nap.
  14. I was going to do something productive… Then I remembered I’m retired.
  15. My family says I snore. I say I’m just testing my vocal range.
  16. My idea of a wild night? Staying up past 10.
  17. I asked my grandkids to teach me slang. Now, I just say “lit” for everything.
  18. I laugh at my own jokes… because someone has to.
  19. I may be getting older, but my sense of humor is still young!
  20. Remember: Age is just a number… but laughter is timeless!

14. Classic Old People Jokes to Start the Laughs

  1. Why did the old man put his money in the blender? Because he wanted liquid assets!
  2. You know you’re old when your back goes out more than you do.
  3. Why don’t old people trust the stairs? Because they’re always up to something!
  4. My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he turned 60. Now he’s 97 and we have no idea where he is.
  5. I asked my grandpa if he was getting old. He said, “I feel like a teenager… from the waist up.”
  6. Why did the elderly couple sit close together? Because they were “seniors in love”!
  7. I told my grandma to act her age. She died laughing.
  8. How do you know when an old person is texting? They end every sentence with “Love, Grandma.”
  9. What do old people and music records have in common? They both have a lot of scratches!
  10. My grandpa always said, “Don’t worry about getting old, it doesn’t last long.”
  11. Why did the old man bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house!
  12. My grandma started using anti-aging cream. Now the wrinkles on her face have moved to her neck.
  13. Why did the elderly man bring a pencil to bed? To draw the curtains!
  14. You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.
  15. My grandpa got a job at the bakery. He kneaded the dough.
  16. Why did the old lady put her hearing aids in the fridge? Because she wanted to listen to cool music.
  17. What’s an old person’s favorite exercise? Falling and getting up!
  18. I asked my grandpa why he didn’t use social media. He said, “I do! It’s called talking.”
  19. What’s a senior citizen’s favorite type of car? A Cadillac… because it sounds like a nap.
  20. Why do old people love jokes? Because they make them feel “young at humor”!

15. Senior Moments: Jokes About Forgetfulness

  1. I forgot to pay my electricity bill… Oh well, I guess I’ll be delighted.
  2. My grandpa said, “The secret to a great memory is…” Then he forgot what he was saying.
  3. I tried to make an appointment with my doctor, but I forgot why. He said, “Don’t worry, that’s normal.”
  4. I told my grandma a joke yesterday. She laughed today.
  5. My grandpa was a magician… He could make his hearing disappear instantly!
  6. Why did the old man open the fridge door? To see if the light was still on.
  7. I started a forgetfulness club. But I keep forgetting where the meetings are!
  8. My grandma put her phone in the oven. Now she’s got a hot line.
  9. I asked my grandpa for a good memory trick. He said, “Write everything down.” Then he lost the paper.
  10. Grandma: “Why is my coffee so cold?” Me: “Because it’s iced tea, Grandma.”
  11. I told my grandpa to stop acting like a child. He forgot how.
  12. Old people don’t gossip… They just share “historical records.”
  13. I asked my grandma how she stays happy. She said, “I forget all the bad things… and most of the good things too.”
  14. I wrote a book about memory loss. I forgot the ending.
  15. My grandpa bought a GPS. Now he forgets where he’s going but enjoys the ride.
  16. My grandma’s memory is so good—she remembers things that never happened!
  17. My grandpa always remembers my birthday. He just doesn’t remember the year.
  18. I put my keys in the fridge. Guess I needed a cool start to my day!
  19. My grandma swears she remembers the future. She just forgets the past.
  20. The best part of being forgetful? Every joke feels new!

16. Retirement Jokes That’ll Make You Look Forward to It

  1. Retirement: Where every day is Saturday, except for Sunday.
  2. My grandpa retired and said he’d finally get some rest. Now he’s the busiest man I know.
  3. Why did the old man retire? He was sick of working for peanuts—he wanted cashews!
  4. My grandma said retirement is like a vacation—except you never go home.
  5. Retired people wake up early… just to nap later.
  6. Retirement: The only job where you don’t need a resume.
  7. My grandpa took up gardening in retirement. Now he just weeds all day.
  8. You know you’re retired when your biggest decision is coffee or tea.
  9. I asked my retired dad what he does all day. He said, “Whatever I want.”
  10. Retirement means trading your briefcase for a fishing pole.
  11. My grandma retired, so now she “works from home” by watching TV.
  12. Retirement: The art of spending your entire day looking for your glasses.
  13. My grandpa retired and became a full-time napper.
  14. Why do retired people love jokes? Because they have “all the time in the world” to laugh!
  15. I told my grandma to take it easy in retirement. She said, “I’m not dead yet!”
  16. The best thing about retirement? No more alarms!
  17. My grandpa retired and said he’d write a book. He forgot where he put the pen.
  18. I asked my grandma how she stays busy in retirement. She said, “By forgetting what I was doing!”
  19. Retirement: Where happy hour lasts all day.
  20. My retired uncle took up yoga. He fell asleep during downward dog.


Laughter is truly the best medicine, and 210+ Old People Jokes That Will Make You Laugh and Brighten Your Day proves just that! These jokes remind us that aging comes with wisdom, humor, and a whole lot of unforgettable moments. Whether it’s a witty grandpa comeback or a classic senior moment, these jokes bring joy to every generation.

Sharing these jokes with friends and family can brighten any day. From forgetful moments to hilarious retirement struggles, humor keeps us all feeling young at heart. So, keep laughing, keep sharing, and remember—age is just a number, but a good joke lasts forever!

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1. Why do old people’s jokes make everyone laugh?

Old people’s jokes are relatable and lighthearted. They poke fun at aging in a fun, respectful way that everyone can enjoy.

2. Are these jokes appropriate for all ages?

Yes! These jokes are family-friendly and perfect for sharing with grandparents, parents, or anyone who loves good humor.

3. Can I share these jokes at a retirement party?

Absolutely! These jokes will be a hit at any retirement party, bringing laughter and joy to the celebration.

4. Why do people love making jokes about aging?

Aging is a natural part of life, and humor helps us embrace it with a positive attitude. Laughter makes growing older more fun!

5. Where can I find more old people’s jokes?

You can find more jokes in comedy books, online joke websites, and of course—by spending time with grandparents! They always have the best stories.

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